Centrifuges and Swarf Crushers

Our portfolio includes many machines suitable for parts and/or swarf treatment. Manual operating centrifuges where the centrifuge basket is filled by the operator and placed into the centrifuge. Centrifuges that are integrated into systems, automatically filled and emptied. Swarf crushers for crushing long and clustered swarf. Conveyor technology for swarf, parts and containers. Control technology for our machinery and equipment.
Product Groups:
- Manual operating batch centrifuges for parts and/or swarf
- Automatic operating batch centrifuges for swarf and/or parts
- Automatic operating continuous centrifuges for swarf
- Swarf Crushers
- Scraper conveyors

Fig.: Swraf Crusher and Centrifuge in operation
We not only use these machines in our own plants and for our own customers but we also supply OEMs and plant manufacturers with our products. Our Sales and Process Engineering departments work closely with our customers and are prepared to advise.

Fig.: Variants of the centrifuges type Polar RPC.
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Coolant recovery De-oiling and Drying Parts Washing Parts or Swarf Coating Parts Centrifuges and Swarf Crushers Customer ServiceCentrifugal Technology:
Batch centrifuges Continuous centrifuges Fully automatic systems Swarf crushers Handling-Systems= suitable products for the selected application.